Northern Coast Officials
Umpire Attire
Gerry Davis
Working Games for NCOA

Policies and Procedures | Game Fees | Uniform Code | Working for NCOA

Service Organization The Northern Coast Officials Association provides a service to the schools and cities.  You, as an official or umpire, are representing NCOA and other officials/umpires.

Work ALL games in a professional manner, and work the entire game to 100% of your ability.

The players and coaches practiced hard for the game.  Don’t cheat them by being lazy, not hustling, or not being prepared.  We are there to serve the players, as are the coaches.

Coaches, players, and fans appreciate and respect an umpire who works hard and hustles, regardless of the score or type of game.

Do be careful of your attitude.  Coaches and players pick up on an arrogant attitude fast.  Be reasonable and approachable.

If you don’t want to work at a particular school or level don’t accept the game from David or Gary.

Your Job Work every game as hard as you can.  Don’t give the impression you are doing the teams a favor by being there.

Watch your body language.  Standing around with your arms folded, having a bored express, and not hustling gives the impression you don’t want to be there.

Your job is to umpire the game – Not Coach.  It is one thing to help a player out once in awhile with minor things, but do not continually coach or instruct a player.  Coaches don’t want you to coach, they want you to umpire the game.

Game Problems

If you encounter a problem at the game with a player, coach, or fan, or have to eject someone, notify David Clark or Gary Frieders as soon as possible after the game.

Points of Emphasis The following are the points of emphasis for umpires when working a game.  These are what you are being evaluated on by everyone.

1) Game management, rule knowledge and proper application of the rules.
2) Judgment.
3) Professionalism and appearance.
4) Hustle.
5) Positioning.
6) Mechanics.

Adjust to the Level of Play Rather than calling the same game all the time adjust to the skill level of the players, not the grade level of the game.

Don’t undermine your approach to the game with negative pregame comments such as, “Well, this is going to be a blowout”; “Such and such a team has lousy pitching,” or, “these guys are in last place, have lost 10 straight, etc. etc.”  Have a positive attitude toward the game.

Application of the Rules Enforce the rules as written.  It is not your responsibility to ignore or set aside rules just because you don’t like them. The purpose of the rules is to:
  • Promote integrity and fairness by all involved, and
  • Ensure safety of all competitors.

Knowledge and proper application of the rules by umpires is a must, as it will boost your confidence when working a game.  Umpiring is not an easy task.  Experience of working several games will help you apply your knowledge of the rules.

You should not umpire unless you have a good working knowledge of the rules.

Signing the Book

PRINT your name in both scorebooks before the game.  The coaches want to know who worked their games for the following reasons:

  • If there is a problem in the game the coach can identify who worked the game.
  • Evaluation purposes:  Coaches want to be able to correctly identify officials who have done a good job for playoffs or moving up.

Perceptions Perceptions can be killers for an umpire.  Players, coaches, and fans all think officials are there to mess up the game.  They think that we make calls because of prejudices, when in fact we make calls based on information gathered at that point.
  • Ways to improve perceptions:
  • Stay away from players, coaches and fans before, during and after the game.  You can be polite by saying “hi,” then get away from them.  You are there for business, not to socialize.
  • Hustle and work hard for the players.
  • Keep the game flowing.
  • Don’t add to a team’s frustrations. Be professional and act professionally.
  • Work as a team with your partner.  Your only ally is your partner.

Getting Evaluated Evaluations will be done by members of the Advisory Committee as listed on the inside front cover or by other top officials in the association.

When working with an Advisory Committee Member, if you wish to be evaluated, let him know before the game that you want to be evaluated.  However, Advisory Committee Members may evaluate you even though you have not requested to be evaluated.

Handling Protests Yes, we are human and make mistakes and get rules mixed up.  When that happens and a coach wants to protest the game, STOP the game, get together with your partner, go to the rule book and try, at best, to rectify the situation and get it right, if you are wrong, before continuing the game.

If after consulting your partner and rulebook the coach still wants to protest, then accept the protest and move on with the game.

Call David Clark immediately after the game at (707) 538-5190 and also call:

  • Gary Frieders for baseball (707) 538-5190 ext #1.
  • Sean Beaton for high school and youth softball 707 478-0746 until 8:30pm.
  • David Clark for recreational softball (707) 538-5190 ext #2.

Don’t be hard nosed are refuse to accept the protest or attempt to rectify the situation.

If you do not follow the above policy and the protest is upheld which causes the game to be played from the protest point, you will NOT be paid for the game in which the protest occurred.