Northern Coast Officials
Umpire Attire
Gerry Davis
Policies and Procedures

Policies and Procedures | Game Fees | Uniform Code | Working for NCOA

Mission Statement NCOA exists to provide quality and professional officials to schools, recreation departments and other contracting agencies; to ensure those games are played fairly in accordance with the intent and purpose of the rules.
Board of Directors

Current Board of Directors for Fiscal Year 2021:

Gary Frieders, Assignor for Baseball and HS / JH Basketball - President, Finance and Information Manager • (707) 538-5190 x1 • Fax (707) 538-5190 • Email:

David Clark, Assignor for Softball and CYO Basketball(707) 538-5190 x2

• Sean Beaton • Larry Golpe • Ruben Candelaria • John Evans • Steve Carniglia

Honorary Board Member: Steve Boga

In Memory of Jerry Klonsky


The primary assigner for softball and CYO Basketball is David Clark (707) 538-5190 x2.

The primary assinger for HS and JH Basketball - and Baseball is Gary Frieders (707) 538-5190 x1.

In the event that we arenot at this number please leave your name and a number where you can be reached and they will return your call as soon as possible.

Equal Opportunity Policy NCOA is an Equal Opportunity Association that accepts officials without discrimination as to race, color, creed, gender, age, national origin, sexual orientation or disability. However, officials and umpires must demonstrate knowledge and proficiency in the application of the rules and must be physically and mentally capable to officiate or umpire assigned games.
Scheduling Scheduling will be done via the internet at the NCOA Officials Web Site.  You will receive email notices that you have new assignments and/or changes to those assignments.  Please accept/decline these assignments ASAP.

Please keep your availability up-to-date via the NCOA Officials Web Site.

Assignment Priorities Assignment priorities will be based on a combination of the following criteria:
  • Test scores,
  • Meeting and clinic attendance,
  • Experience,
  • Evaluations,
  • and Dependability.
Turn Back Policy If you need to turn back an assignment you must call David or Gary. DO NOT find your own replacement. If you know someone is available tell Jerry and he’ll confirm with that person their availability.
Dues Association dues are $80.00 for the fiscal year starting October 1st and ends September 30th. $40 of the dues are payable at the first meeting of the fiscal year you attend in order to receive rule books and other materials. The remaining $40 will be taken from your officiating services income when you earn $300 in the fiscal year.
Contacting Partners At least one day prior to your assigned game you are required to make positive contact with your partner to make sure:
  • You’re going to the right place, and
  • Time of the game

You should plan to arrive at least 30 minutes prior to game time and conduct a pre-game conference.

Game Arrival Time Officials and Umpires must be at their assigned location at least 30 minutes before scheduled start time or they will be considered late.  Good officials and umpires plan to be at the game site 45 to 60-minutes prior to game time.

Upon arrival check in with the home coach letting him/her know “the official(s) or umpire(s) have arrived.”  Then go back to your locker room or car and get ready for the game.

If your partner does not arrive 15 minutes prior to game time, call or have someone call 538-5190.  Tell the assigner or the message machine:

  • Who you are,
  • Your location,
  • That your partner is absent

Advise 538-5190 if your partner arrives.

If you do not call 538-5190 and advise him that your partner is late and you work one or several games by yourself, you will not be paid the extra 1/2 time for working “alone.”  This will not apply if there is no phone at the site you are working or no partner is assigned due to shortage of officials.

Unusual Situations If you have a situation at a game in which Jerry might get a call from an irate coach, AD, or fan please call him as soon as possible after the game so he can be ready to deal with that irate person. If in doubt, call David or Gary.
Liability Insurance

In today’s litigious society you could be sued for any reason while officiating.  It is a requirement of NCOA that every official provide liability insurance for yourself.

The following organizations provide insurance against liability claims along with other benefits.


Membership in the National Association of Sports Officials (NASO) provides:

  • Three million dollars liability insurance for any sport and level you officiate.
  • Subscription to Referee magazine
  • Discounts on books and tapes
  • One year membership

For more information write or call:

National Association of Sports Officials
2017 Lathrop Ave
Racine, WI 53405
Phone: 262/632-5448 Fax: 262/632-5460 E-mail:


Membership in the National Federation Interscholastic Officials Association (NFIOA) provides:

  • General liability insurance for any high school sport you officiate.
  • “National Federation News” subscription.
  • Numerous discount privileges and other benefits.
  • $35 annual membership fee covers all sports for one year.

Mail payment to:

PO Box 690
Indianapolis IN 46206

Or see the form in the back of the Rule Book.
