Northern Coast Officials
Umpire Attire
Gerry Davis
How to Become an Official or Umpire
Click on image to the right on why to become an official.

Thank you for your interest in becoming a sports official for Northern Coast Officials Association, Inc (NCOA). NCOA has been providing sports officials primarily to Sonoma County for over 30 years. NCOA provides officials for the following sports:

We even provided officials to unusual sporting events over the years. We provide officials to high schools, city recreational departments and other agencies requesting our services.

As a sports official you are not an employee of NCOA. Instead you are an independent contractor. Basically you are self-employed and work when you want. Your pay is based on the sport and level that NCOA has contracted with the organization requesting officials. Those fees are included in this web site. Generally though you'll make about $17 an hour. You'll be paid twice a month by the 10th and 25th. Because you are an independent contractor no taxes are taken out of your checks. However, if you make over $600 in a year we must report your income to the IRS.

We will provide you with rule books and training on the rules and mechanics of officiating. You will have to attend annual rule meetings, training clinics and take an educational rules review exam each year for the sport(s) you desire to officiate. You will also be evaluated in order to determine your ability to work higher levels. Don't let this scare you - all we want to do is help you be a better official.

Officiating is a great way to stay involved in the sport(s) you grew up playing and watching. Also staying involved with youth and helping them become better citizens. Some people even do it for the exercise. Think about it - you'll be paid to be there and have the best seat in the house, and you call your own schedule. What a great way to earn little extra cash. Take a look through our web site and it should answer some basic questions about NCOA and officiating.

If you have any questions please call or e-mail David Clark at (707) 538-5190 ext #2 or Gary Frieders at (707) 538-5190 ext #1