Northern Coast Officials
Umpire Attire
Gerry Davis
North Coast Section Baseball / Softball Playoff Protocols

NCS Web Site | Basic Baseball Three Umpire Mechanics

  • Baseball
  • Softball
The North Coast Section congratulates you on your selection and appreciates your upcoming championship performance!


Umpires are expected to be onsite ONE HOUR prior to start of scheduled game time. Crew Chief will:
• Check in with game site administrator,
• Obtain any paperwork to be filled out;

All umpires are to dress appropriately when traveling to/from the site. Casual dress is OK. But no shorts, t-shirts, flip flogs or sandals. Jeans, polo shirt and tennis shoes are OK, but prefer a more professional look such as kakis, polo shirt and dress shoes.

The North Coast Section official baseball is the Rawlings R100. Only a Rawlings baseballs may be used in a North Coast Section/Les Schwab Tires Championship contest.

To say the least, we have had an interesting season with respect to Sportsmanship.  Due to poor choices by players, coaches, and/or fans, our level of sportsmanlike behavior is not at the levels desired by the North Coast Section.

The North Coast Section supports our baseball officials in upholding a high level of sportsmanship.  This expectation is for players, coaches, and fans.  No one is allowed to disgrace this great game or any of our officials.  We wholeheartedly expect NCS Baseball Playoff Officials’ tolerance levels to be very low with regards to unsportsmanlike behavior. That does not mean immediate ejection - rather use the appropriate “tools” and techniques to communicate and warn players, coaches and/or fans unless the action or verbal statement requires immediate ejection. Make sure your words and actions are defendable.
Pursuing victory with honor is paramount!

In baseball the NFHS Rules allow for protests.  In the NCS playoffs, the NCS does not recognize protests as it has not adopted a protest procedure.  If a team wants to protest the game because they believe the umpires have made an incorrect ruling, the “protest” must be resolved before the game continues.  The crew chief should have access to a NFHS rule book and should review the protest and make a decision based upon the rule book.  Once this decision is made, the game continues.
The team cannot file a protest with NCS after the game.

Protective Helmets
It is mandatory for on‐deck batters, batters, runners, retired runners, players/students in the coaches boxes as well as nonadult bat/ball shaggers to wear a batting helmet that meets the NOCSAE standard as set forth in the NFHS rule book. It is also mandatory that adult coaches, adult team supervisors and adult bat/ball shaggers wear a protective helmet. It is recommended that the helmet meet NOCSAE standards. Play will not continue until compliance with this rule is met.

Courtesy Runners
NCS is NOT USING the NFHS Baseball Rules Book (Rule 10) provision to allow for courtesy runners to speed-up play.

1. All facilities must conform to the National Federation Baseball Rule Book.
2. Each team will be allowed a maximum of 10 minutes for infield practice. The visiting team will take infield first.
3. Participating teams will NOT be allowed to take batting practice at the game site within two hours of the scheduled game time. Pepper is not allowed. Use of wiffle balls for soft toss is acceptable provided it is allowed by the host facility.
4. The home team for all rounds will be the home team for all rounds of the playoffs will be the higher seeded team, regardless of where the game is being played.
THERE IS NO LONGER A COIN FLIP TO DETERMINE THE HOME TEAM. Semifinal and final game locations will be determined by NCS staff.
The home team will use the third base dug-out unless directed otherwise by the Site Director.
5. Each team will be allowed a maximum of ten minutes for infield practice (this will be strictly enforced). The visiting team will take infield first.
6. All games will be seven (7) inning games unless the score is tied at the conclusion of the seventh inning in which case extra innings will be played.
7. NCS has adopted the 10 run rule for baseball playoffs.
The game shall end when the visiting team is behind 10 or more runs after 41/2 innings, or after the fifth inning, if either team is 10 runs behind and both teams have had an equal number of times at bat.
8. Each site director will provide each participating team and umpires with a copy of the ground rules.
9. Teams will be expected to arrive in uniform. Locker rooms will not be available.
10. Umpires will be instructed to strictly enforce the limits of three defensive time outs per seven innings game and one offensive time out per inning and to limit pitchers to one minute or five pitches whichever comes first, between innings.
11. No new inning shall start after three (3) hours have elapsed from the beginning of the game of a doubleheader.
12. When a game is tied at the completion of seven or more innings and two and one-half hours have elapsed since the beginning of the game, and another game is scheduled for the field, and no other field is available, the tied game shall be interrupted and the regularly scheduled game allowed to begin. If the tied game is interrupted it shall be continued when a field becomes available within the limits set in items 11, 12, 13 and/or 14) at an alternate field on the next morning or on Monday afternoon, if the game was a Saturday game.
13. Teams involved in tied games, which are called due to the time limit, will continue the game on the next day prior to any scheduled playoff game. If the next day is Sunday, the game will be scheduled to continue on Monday after school.
14. No new game shall start after 10:00 p.m.
15. No new inning shall start after twelve midnight.
16. Each team will:
... Provide at least one ball shagger for each game in which the team participates.
... Provide its own bat boy/girl.
17. The game management is solely responsible for determining whether or not a game will be started. After the game is underway the decision as to whether or not it should be suspended rests solely with the game umpires.
18. There will be a minimum of a thirty-minute (30) break between games to allow for infield practice and field preparation.
19. Umpires will be assigned by the NCS Officials Assigner via the associations in NCS.
20. Pitching Limitation Rule (CIF Adoption): Pitch Counts and Thirty outs and/or 3 appearances in a calendar week throughout the season, Monday through Saturday.
• Inning pitched in a no game, i.e. rain out, power failure, etc. shall count towards the thirty outs.
• If the 30th out involves a double or triple play, the team will not be penalized.
• An appearance is defined as a pitcher pitching at least one pitch.
• Any violation constitutes a forfeit of the contest.
21. Metal Cleats: The hosting school will dictate whether or not metal cleats can be worn on an artificial surface. Metal cleats are permitted on fields which are grass and dirt.
22. Authorized Camera personal on the field must be in marked areas and wear a helmet. Adult camera people do not need double ear flaps.
The North Coast Section congratulates you on your selection and appreciates your upcoming championship performance!

Umpires are expected to be onsite ONE HOUR prior to start of scheduled game time. Crew Chief will check in with game site administrator and obtain any paperwork to be filled out.

All umpires are to dress appropriately when traveling to/from the site. Casual dress is OK. But no shorts, t-shirts, flip flogs or sandals. Jeans, polo shirt and tennis shoes are OK, but prefer a more professional look such as kakis, polo shirt and dress shoes.

The North Coast Section will provide the game balls that have been provided by the Dudley Corporation. The Dudley CFP 12Y, a yellow optic red stitch ball will be used.

To say the least, we have had an interesting season with respect to Sportsmanship.  Due to poor choices by players, coaches, and/or fans, our level of sportsmanlike behavior is not at the levels desired by the North Coast Section.

The North Coast Section supports our softball officials in upholding a high level of sportsmanship.  This expectation is for players, coaches, and fans.  No one is allowed to disgrace this great game or any of our officials.  We wholeheartedly expect NCS Softball Playoff Officials’ tolerance levels to be very low with regards to unsportsmanlike behavior. That does not mean immediate ejection - rather use the appropriate “tools” and techniques to communicate and warn players, coaches and/or fans unless the action or verbal statement requires immediate ejection. Make sure your words and actions are defendable.
Pursuing victory with honor is paramount!

In softball the NFHS Rules allow for protests.  In the NCS playoffs, the NCS does not recognize protests as it has not adopted a protest procedure.  If a team wants to protest the game because they believe the umpires have made an incorrect ruling, the “protest” must be resolved before the game continues.  The crew chief should have access to a NFHS rule book and should review the protest and make a decision based upon the rule book.  Once this decision is made, the game continues.
The team cannot file a protest with NCS after the game.

Protective Helmets:
It is mandatory for on‐deck batters, batters, runners, retired runners, players/students in the coaches boxes as well as nonadult bat/ball shaggers to wear a batting helmet that meets the NOCSAE standard as set forth in the NFHS rule book. It is also mandatory that adult coaches, adult team supervisors and adult bat/ball shaggers wear a protective helmet. It is recommended that the helmet meet NOCSAE standards. Play will not continue until compliance with this rule is met.

Courtesy Runners
NCS is NOT USING the NFHS Baseball Rules Book (Rule 10) provision to allow for courtesy runners to speed-up play.

Tie Game:
For softball, the tie breaker rule will begin in the 10th inning.

1. Teams will be expected to arrive in uniform. Locker rooms will NOT be available.
2. The home team for all rounds will be the home team for all rounds of the playoffs will be the higher seeded team, regardless of where the game is being played.
THERE IS NO LONGER A COIN FLIP TO DETERMINE THE HOME TEAM. Semifinal and final game locations will be determined by NCS staff.
The home team will use the third base dug-out unless directed otherwise by the Site Director.
3. Each team will be allowed a maximum of ten minutes for infield practice (this will be strictly enforced). The visiting team will take infield first.
4. Participating teams will NOT be allowed to take batting practice at the game site within two hours of the scheduled game time. Pepper is not allowed. Use of whiffle balls for soft toss is acceptable provided it is allowed by the host facility.
5. The Site Director will provide each participating team and umpires with a written copy of the ground rules.
6. Umpires will be instructed to strictly enforce the limits of three defensive time outs per seven innings game and one offensive time out per inning and to limit pitchers to one minute or five pitches whichever comes first, between innings.
7. All games will be terminated in accordance with the National Federation Softball Rules Book. Tie breaker rule will begin in the 10th inning.
8. NCS has adopted the 10 run rule for softball playoffs. The game shall end when the visiting team is behind 10 or more runs after 41/2 innings, or after the fifth inning, if either team is 10 runs behind and both teams have had an equal number of times at bat.
Tie Breaker rule will begin in the 10th inning

9. No new inning shall start after two and one-half hours have elapsed from the beginning of the first game of a doubleheader unless the score is tied at the completion of the inning.
10. Teams involved in tied games, which are called due to the time limit, will continue the game on the next day prior to any scheduled playoff games. If the next day is Sunday, the game will be continued on Monday after school hours.
11. When a game is tied at the completion of seven or more innings and two and one-half hours have elapsed since the beginning of the game, and another game is scheduled for the field, and no other field is available, the tied game shall be interrupted and the regularly scheduled game allowed to begin. If the tied game is interrupted it shall be continued when a field becomes available within the limits set in items 11 and 12; or 2) at an alternate field on the next morning or on Monday afternoon, if the game was a Saturday game.
12. No new game shall start after 10:00 p.m.
13. No new inning shall start after twelve midnight.
14. Each team will:
... Provide at least one ball shagger for each game in which the team participates.
... Provide its own bat boy/girl.
15. There will be a minimum of a thirty (30) minute break between games to allow for infield practice and field preparation.
16. The game management is solely responsible for determining whether or not a game will be started. After it is underway the decision as to whether or not it should be suspended rests solely with the game umpires.
17. Umpires will be assigned by the NCS Softball Assigner.
18. Protests will be heard and decided by the Site Director and the umpires. Decision based on an umpires judgment may not be protested.
19. Metal Cleats: The hosting school will dictate whether or not metal cleats can be worn on an artificial surface. Metal cleats are permitted on fields which are grass and dirt.
20. Authorized Camera personal on the field must be in marked areas and wear a helmet. Adult camera people do not need double ear flaps.